Jarsto's Writing Blog

April 03, 2006

Forced Vacation

I've been on a forced vacation from writing for over a week. A few minutes ago I wrote my first words since March 24th. "What happened" you may ask. Well a hard-drive crash happened. More inexplicably it was my newest hard-drive, only 6 months old when it crashed on the evening of the 25th. Two hard-drive crashed in 7 months and a replaced PSU in that same time was, I decided, too much for me to trust anything about the computer any longer, so I got a new one. Or rather I got a pile of parts and built a new one.

I actually had the new computer up and running on Thursday and fully working by Friday (the sound drivers for Linux took a little time). Then I went away to visit my mom for her birthday on Saturday. Finally last night I reconstituted my automatic backup scripts, without which I'd decided I wasn't going to write anything. That point I have now reached. Only one sentence so far, but you have to start somewhere.


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